Alexander Dobronte

CheckMarket makes SSL encryption the default

Our users have always had the option of using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to create a secure encrypted connection between their computer and CheckMarket. If it is now turned on by default for all users and all surveys.

What is SSL (or HTTPS)?

SSL verifies the identity of a company (CheckMarket) over the internet with a certificate authority. If everything checks out, CheckMarket and your computer establish an initial connection called a handshake. During the handshake the connection will determine which kind of encryption or scrambling it will use. The agreement created during the handshake is used to set up a secure connection between CheckMarket and your computer, called a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Now the connection between CheckMarket and your computer is secure, and not at risk from third party infiltration.

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New message bar – The devil is in the detail

The response rate of a survey is important, but as researchers, we often use only fully completed surveys. That means we need to get people to take the time to reach the end of a survey. While there is lot of talk about gamification and other high-end solutions, as is often the case, the devil is in the detail. We have always worked hard to keep page-load times down in our survey tool. If a respondent feels a survey takes too long to load between pages, they are gone. We have also worked hard to make our surveys mobile friendly.

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Build custom dashboards

An important phase of the research process is the presentation of results. One of the more engaging ways to present research results is through online dashboards. A dashboard provides a summary of the most important results or findings related to a particular subject in a visual way, arranged on a single web page.

Dashboards can be connected to live data that is automatically updated in real-time with results coming from one or more survey projects. So you are able to visualize and share key information, whenever you want and quicker than ever. A dashboard is easy to access via internet or intranet.

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How to embed a survey in a mobile app

Mobile app usage has exploded in the last few years. Just like their website counterparts, app makers need feedback from their users.
While there are great systems for tracking how your app is used, connecting that info to who those users are and finding out what their motivations are, is what surveys do well.

But how? You could reinvent the wheel and write custom code to get the answers or use CheckMarket’s powerful survey tool to generate a survey and then embed the survey in your app. Using the same kind of code you would use to request a review for the app store, ask users to fill in a survey. Since the survey is coming from our servers, you can change the questions without updating your app!

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Mediafin changes strategy based on a survey among 16K readers

Mediafin and Trustmedia, the publisher and the media sales house of the Belgian financial newspapers De Tijd and L’Echo presented their new strategy, Trust 3.0.
The new commercial approach is in a nutshell, “from paper to pixel”.
To gain insights for their new strategy, they organized the Digital Newspaper Survey via the CheckMarket platform. This study asked more than 16.000 readers about their media usage (paper, pc, smartphone, and tablet).

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How to deal with sensitive topics in a survey?

Suppose you are the Employee Satisfaction Manager at a European multinational and you would like to conduct an employee satisfaction survey. More precisely, as you have heavily invested into an equal opportunities policy in the past year, you would like to find out if your investment is starting to pay off. In other words, if there are any differences in satisfaction between socio-demographic minority and majority groups. As a result, in order to be able to study this, you have to identify your minority groups. Consequently you have to ask your respondents/employees about some potentially sensitive topics such as sexual orientation, religious beliefs, … In other situations, subjects such as political preferences, income, various attitudes and behaviours, etc. are also considered to be sensitive issues.

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CheckMarket et KBC choisissent la PME la plus orientée client

Pour la quatrième fois consécutive, KBC Banque & Assurances travaille main dans la main avec CheckMarket dans le cadre de la remise du prix de la PME la plus orientée vers le client. Un projet au sein duquel CheckMarket s’est révélée être un partenaire fiable pour les projets d’enquêtes exigeants un service complet. Cette année, le prix a été accordé à DOVY Cuisines. Un jury d’experts a accordé le prix après une analyse d’une enquête de satisfaction remplie par tous les clients des entreprises participantes, une interview approfondie et un audit avec les managers des entreprises concernées.

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Découvrez nos services de recherche

CheckMarket est surtout connu pour notre puissant mais facile à utiliser outil d’enquêtes, basé sur le web. Par conséquent, vous l’utilisez en masse. Néanmoins, c’est moins connu que nous offrons nos clients aussi des analyses et des résultats de recherche plus complexes. C’est ce que nous aimerions changer. En effet, CheckMarket aimerait aussi être votre partenaire préféré concernant des analyses plus complexes.

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Likert Scales vs. Slider Scales in commercial market research

The Likert Scale – in its various formats – is widely used, for instance in psychology, social sciences but also in commercial market research. Respondents may be asked about their attitudes, perceptions or evaluations of organisations, services or brands. The use of Likert Scales, however, has come under scrutiny. It is argued that the traditional 5-point rating scales are boring, repetitive and overly long. The proposed alternative is the Slider Scale. The question then is this: are Slider Scales really better than Likert Scales?

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Manage the follow-up of dissatisfied respondents

In this day and age of social media, where unhappy customers tell the world about their bad customer experience with a click, it is imperative to quickly and efficiently handle complaints and negative responses from surveys.

When we introduced real-time alerts in 2011, we had no idea how popular it would become. Now, a lot of best practice has surfaced and one of these is how to manage, track and report the follow-up of alerts.

Let’s take a look at a structured follow-up method, using CheckMarket’s platform itself.

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3 market research trends from The Hague

Early February the Marketing & Information Event (MIE) 2012 took place in The Hague.

During these two days, inspiring speakers and workshops gave an overview of the latest trends and developments in the field of market research.

The 2300 visitors had more than 90 workshops to choose from. CheckMarket was there too. For those of you who did not attend the event itself, we would like to share what we have learned. We selected three trends.

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Why there needs to be a European variant of the Net Promoter Score

The popularity of Net Promoter ScoreSM is staggering. We see it used constantly in both B2C and B2B surveys. Its utter simplicity is extremely attractive to managers sick of the overly complex reports they are used to getting from the market research industry. What I want to talk about is the impact of culture on NPS®. I started thinking about it when a long-time client of ours in the Netherlands was acquired by an American company. The American company placed great importance on NPS even basing bonuses on it. The American company was surprised at what a low NPS score the Dutch Company was getting. The score wasn’t low, it was just above 0 which in NPS terms is actually neutral.

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Alertes automatiques : Ecoutez – Prenez action – Gagnez

Grâce aux alertes automatiques, vos enquêtes deviennent de la communication dans les deux sens. Si un répondant donne des réponses spécifiques ou s’il suit un certain patron de réponse, une alerte automatique est envoyée. De cette façon, vous pouvez réagir immédiatement et communiquer avec les répondants pour réparer les relations endommagées.

Par exemple, vous pouvez identifier automatiquement des répondants insatisfaits basé sur une NPS ou une question sur la satisfaction globale. Des rapports automatiques vous permettent d’y donner suite immédiatement.

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@CheckMarket sur Twitter

Le 20 Mars 2009, CheckMarket a créé un compte sur Twitter. Entretemps nous avons déjà écrit 1,200 tweets. (Littéralement un tweet est un « gazouillis » mais ici ce terme est utilisé pour désigner des messages courts.) Nous donnons régulièrement des conseils pour mener des projets d’enquête. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de l’outil ainsi que des liens vers nos derniers articles sont également mentionnés.

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PME la plus orientée client 2010

Pour la troisième fois consécutive, KBC Banque & Assurances travaille main dans la main avec CheckMarket dans le cadre de la remise du prix de la PME la plus orientée client. Un projet prestigieux au sein duquel CheckMarket dévoile non seulement toute la force de son outil d’enquête en ligne, mais aussi de sa fiabilité en tant que partenaire de projets offrant un service complet.

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La fausse recherche

Notre équipe est non seulement une machine bien huilée, mais en plus, elle compte dans ses rangs d’autres talents cachés. Il y a un moment, nous avons pris l’initiative de créer une petite vidéo ludique visant à braquer les projecteurs sur les points forts de CheckMarket. Nos collaborateurs ont donc déployé leurs meilleurs talents d’acteur pour montrer ce qu’il ne faut surtout pas faire quand on se lance dans une étude de marché.

Nous ne serons probablement pas nominés aux Oscars, mais après de nombreuses prises, le résultat final vaut quand même la peine d’être vu !

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Réaliser des enquêtes à l’ère des réseaux sociaux

Les réseaux sociaux sont désormais incontournables dans le paysage médiatique actuel. Une question revient souvent : quand et comment utiliser ces médias sociaux dans le cadre d’une enquête en ligne ? Il faut savoir que des sites tels que Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn sont des armes redoutables pour inciter les internautes à participer à une enquête.

Lors de l’élaboration de votre projet d’enquête, vous choisissez un ou plusieurs groupes cible en fonction de vos objectifs. Les fans de Facebook ou Twitter peuvent en faire partie. Les réseaux sociaux recèlent un potentiel immense. Tour d’horizon du « top 3 » de ces réseaux.

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De nouveaux visages pour un service encore meilleur

Comme vous avez déjà pu le lire dans les précédentes éditions de notre bulletin d’information, CheckMarket connaît une croissance fulgurante. D’abord, notre entreprise a déménagé, ensuite elle s’est agrandie, et puis nos équipes d’assistance et design ont été renforcées. Sans oublier la création – non négligeable – de notre paper team. Mais ce n’est pas tout.

L’an dernier, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir dans nos rangs quatre nouveaux collaborateurs qui, chacun dans leur domaine, s’attellent à proposer à nos clients le même service de qualité voire, si possible, un service encore meilleur.

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