Connect your surveys to 500+ Apps with our Zapier integration!
We, developers, like automating tasks. Since we created our webhooks, you have new options to simplify the daily life of your colleagues. But we know building and managing custom-built applications can be time-consuming and low on the priority list. That’s why we integrated our platform into Zapier.
You can now connect your favorite applications to our platform without custom development. Use our free Zapier integration and start automating
- survey invitations
- survey responses
- handling bounces and opt-outs
- notifications when the API rate limit for your account has been reached
We can think of a few Zap’s, but feel free to play around with it.

If you can think of other interesting triggers and alerts, let us know and we will look into it!
Use our free Zapier survey integration
Check our other survey integrations!
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