Clients heureux
CheckMarket a des milliers de clients. Du magasin au coin de la rue aux certaines des plus grandes sociétés. Dans notre dernière enquête de satisfaction, 91,3% de nos clients ont dit qu’ils sont satisfaits de CheckMarket et 9 sur 10 nous recommanderaient certainement à des collègues ou des amis.

Superb tool & company: Easy to use, interactive data analysis, fully multilingual, pay-as-you-use, responsive (and free!) phone and email support.
CheckMarket est un outil fiable, puissant et vraiment user-friendly. Avec un support rapide et pertinent, ça en fait l’un des meilleurs outils sur le marché.
Outil super efficace et user friendly!
The CheckMarket system is easy to use and I love how easy it is to update translated versions of surveys. We provide surveys in 15 different languages and what used to take us months to update, now only takes a couple days or less.
No nonsense efficient approach.
The long cooperation made it easy to talk about our needs. The flexibility on changes is huge: something we might not get with other survey companies. The knowledge of our organisation improves the communication. The solutions offered for the problems/issues we run into and the new ways of working to streamline the communication are highly appreciated.
CheckMarket is great for international surveys with multiple languages. Creating surveys is very easy, and there are lots of neat tricks to save time, especially on long, content-based surveys.
The tool is extremely user friendly. Answers to questions are found easily in the knowledge base or provided by the support team via email almost instantly.
The support team always provides me with a comprehensive and speedy service. They have helped me a number of times with surveys I’ve created from simple queries to custom programming. My thanks to them for this wonderful service!
It is easy to use, and you can shape your survey in every way you want to.
We highly appreciate the user friendliness of the system as such and the quick and professional response to requests for change or other questions, including a cost and time estimation. CheckMarket is very well organized and provides a reliable customer service.
It is the best such tool that I used until now. I love the flexibility regarding the creation of the survey. The short link and multiple ways of distributing and the simple and atractive designs are also a plus. I think the design is really important for the respondents to fill out the surveys and to trust the sender.
Expertise and availability.
I am very satisfied with the site and the survey creation. The support (via phone, e-mail, Asana etc) is also very effective. In most cases I get quick reactions and professional support.
Très grande disponibilité et serviabilité des collaborateurs de CheckMarket. Solution professionnelle à un prix raisonnable.
Simple, very effective tool, does what it is supposed to do.
I highly appreciate all the professional help we get from the CheckMarket support team & the online support pages. When speaking to the team, there is not only always timely & client friendly feedback, but also always straight to the point = excellent understanding of my issue & solution approach. The team usually directly offers one or multiple solutions to the problem raised (e.g. complex configuration), plus an explanation of what happened or why my config didn't work as expected, so it allows me to build my knowledge over time and get the best use out of the tool. Honestly one of the best tool & client services I've ever experienced on the large landscape of online tools I continuously use.
Écrivez votre propre critique de CheckMarket
Chez CheckMarket nous aimons des enquêtes. Et nous sommes convaincus que nous pouvons intéresser beaucoup plus de gens à notre outil. Mais pour cela nous avons besoin de votre aide ! En client CheckMarket, nous voudrions vous inviter pour écrire une petite critique (deux phrases, pas plus) dans laquelle vous expliquez votre expérience avec CheckMarket. Vous rendriez un très grand service à nous et aussi à nos futurs clients !
Cliquez ici pour écrire votre critique (en anglais). (Après, vous recevrez un e-mail de Capterra, veuillez confirmer votre adresse e-mail.)