Trucs et astuces

5 Easy Ways to Fight Online Survey Fatigue

More and more companies ask their customers for feedback nowadays. We at CheckMarket think that the increase of customer-centricity is great, but unfortunately there’s not only good news attached to it. People are getting a bit tired of filling in surveys, because they simply receive lots and lots of invitations on a regular basis. Survey fatigue is coming to the surface. Since getting valuable feedback is essential, how do you make people open your invitations? These 5 tips will help you get your feedback requests clicked on more easily.

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Why buying NPS benchmarks is a bad idea

How does our Net Promoter Score compare to the scores of our competitors? It seems like a natural question. Why shouldn’t we benchmark our NPS against others? Because it’s not about the number! 

It’s about using an NPS system to improve your own internal processes and become a more customer centric organization.

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Check-list pour une enquête géniale

Créer une enquête est facile, mais créer une enquête qui vous permettra d’acquérir des indications précieuses, c’est une autre histoire. Les types de question, la distribution, tester… Il faut garder beaucoup de choses à l’esprit. Heureusement, nous avons créé une check-list très utile qui vous guidera au cours du processus d’une enquête entière.

Maintenant c’est à vous ! Suivez les étapes, cochez-les et créez une enquête géniale.

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In app surveys, finally learn who your users are

App builders often do not know a lot about their users. They have all kinds of behavioral data, such as how often the app is opened, how long the user spends, …

But they don’t have demographics (age, gender, …) and very little feedback about the user’s experiences or grievances. It is possible to conduct a survey in app, without sending their user away to the browser.

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7 survey mistakes you don’t want to make

Creating a successful survey isn’t just about asking the right survey questions. Sure, they are important, but they aren’t the only road to actionable insights. What good are your perfectly honed questions if nobody opens your survey? How valid are your results really if you don’t know to which segment your respondents belong? We at CheckMarket have put together a list of the 7 survey mistakes we come across the most. As each one can be fixed so easily you’ll probably wonder at the end why you never thought of them yourself. Read on to find out how easy it is.

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What’s the best time to send a survey?

As a survey tool, our users often ask us for the best time to send out survey email invitations. Which is the best day? Is there a specific time (morning, afternoon, evening) that is better? Is there a difference between B2B and B2C? Many interesting questions… There were plenty of opinions here around the office, but since we have much data on the subject, and our users send a lot of survey email invitations, we decided to let the data do the talking. As it turns out, Monday is D-Day for B2B businesses. B2C better avoid Thursdays and Sundays.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS): Advanced Workflow Webinar

We all know Net Promoter ScoreSM but how do you get it to the next level? How can you effectively set up a feedback program? To give an in-depth answer on these questions, we hosted a webinar on May 22nd: Net Promoter Score: Advanced Workflow.

Alexander quickly touched on the basics of Net Promoter Score explaining why NPS® is gaining more and more popularity. He shared some insights into the calculation of NPS. These insights showed the best improvement techniques such as: what group (detractors, passives, promoters) should you focus on to improve your NPS score, how can you involve everybody in your organization and how does the power of the customer influence the Net Promoter Score.

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Give real-time feedback to respondents

The concept of “gamification” and “market research” has been gaining traction for several years. You can use gaming techniques to improve the quality of feedback from online research.

When you create a survey you want respondents to fill in your entire survey and to answer the questions correctly. Research shows that the more you engage with the respondent and the more respondents enjoy the experience, the better the quantity and quality of feedback.

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Build custom dashboards

An important phase of the research process is the presentation of results. One of the more engaging ways to present research results is through online dashboards. A dashboard provides a summary of the most important results or findings related to a particular subject in a visual way, arranged on a single web page.

Dashboards can be connected to live data that is automatically updated in real-time with results coming from one or more survey projects. So you are able to visualize and share key information, whenever you want and quicker than ever. A dashboard is easy to access via internet or intranet.

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How to embed a survey in a mobile app

Mobile app usage has exploded in the last few years. Just like their website counterparts, app makers need feedback from their users.
While there are great systems for tracking how your app is used, connecting that info to who those users are and finding out what their motivations are, is what surveys do well.

But how? You could reinvent the wheel and write custom code to get the answers or use CheckMarket’s powerful survey tool to generate a survey and then embed the survey in your app. Using the same kind of code you would use to request a review for the app store, ask users to fill in a survey. Since the survey is coming from our servers, you can change the questions without updating your app!

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How to deal with sensitive topics in a survey?

Suppose you are the Employee Satisfaction Manager at a European multinational and you would like to conduct an employee satisfaction survey. More precisely, as you have heavily invested into an equal opportunities policy in the past year, you would like to find out if your investment is starting to pay off. In other words, if there are any differences in satisfaction between socio-demographic minority and majority groups. As a result, in order to be able to study this, you have to identify your minority groups. Consequently you have to ask your respondents/employees about some potentially sensitive topics such as sexual orientation, religious beliefs, … In other situations, subjects such as political preferences, income, various attitudes and behaviours, etc. are also considered to be sensitive issues.

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Manage the follow-up of dissatisfied respondents

In this day and age of social media, where unhappy customers tell the world about their bad customer experience with a click, it is imperative to quickly and efficiently handle complaints and negative responses from surveys.

When we introduced real-time alerts in 2011, we had no idea how popular it would become. Now, a lot of best practice has surfaced and one of these is how to manage, track and report the follow-up of alerts.

Let’s take a look at a structured follow-up method, using CheckMarket’s platform itself.

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3 market research trends from The Hague

Early February the Marketing & Information Event (MIE) 2012 took place in The Hague.

During these two days, inspiring speakers and workshops gave an overview of the latest trends and developments in the field of market research.

The 2300 visitors had more than 90 workshops to choose from. CheckMarket was there too. For those of you who did not attend the event itself, we would like to share what we have learned. We selected three trends.

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Réaliser des enquêtes à l’ère des réseaux sociaux

Les réseaux sociaux sont désormais incontournables dans le paysage médiatique actuel. Une question revient souvent : quand et comment utiliser ces médias sociaux dans le cadre d’une enquête en ligne ? Il faut savoir que des sites tels que Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn sont des armes redoutables pour inciter les internautes à participer à une enquête.

Lors de l’élaboration de votre projet d’enquête, vous choisissez un ou plusieurs groupes cible en fonction de vos objectifs. Les fans de Facebook ou Twitter peuvent en faire partie. Les réseaux sociaux recèlent un potentiel immense. Tour d’horizon du « top 3 » de ces réseaux.

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Evitez que votre invitation par courrier électronique ne file tout droit à la poubelle

Nos collaborateurs du service d’assistance entendent quelquefois des clients dire qu’ils craignent que leur invitation par courrier électronique n’arrive pas ou arrive sous une forme étrange chez le répondant. CheckMarket met tout en œuvre pour que toutes les invitations aboutissent bien dans la boîte de réception électronique de vos panélistes, mais dans un monde où le courrier électronique se fait toujours plus agressif, la crainte de voir les invitations ne pas arriver n’est pas toujours dénuée de fondement.

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Utiliser les questions ouvertes intelligemment

Lors de l’élaboration de votre questionnaire, l’instrument de CheckMarket offre une quinzaine de types de réponse différents. Dans cette liste, les questions ouvertes notamment sont une application fréquemment utilisée. Le répondant a ainsi toute liberté, certes limitée à un certain nombre de caractères, pour réagir à une question ou à un énoncé donné(e).

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Comment choisir un bon prestataire d’enquêtes ?

Le monde est rempli de personnes bien intentionnées qui croient que quiconque a la plume facile et a un brin de bon sens est capable de créer une enquête. Certes, c’est souvent le cas, mais la création d’une bonne enquête nécessite une préparation très approfondie.

La fiabilité et la valeur des résultats dépendent étroitement de l’instrument utilisé.

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Comment créer une bonne enquête?

Des enquêtes en ligne sont sans doute une des applications les plus puissantes et rentables du Marketing sur Internet. La vitesse et le confort avec lesquels des enquêtes en ligne sont conduites au jour d’aujourd’hui fait que beaucoup en restent stupéfaits.

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Les 5 erreurs d’enquêtes les plus fréquentes

CheckMarket aime appliquer à elle-même ses propres solutions. Par exemple, nous avons récemment mené une enquête auprès de nos gestionnaires de projets et de notre équipe d’assistance. Nous leur avons demandé quelles erreurs d’enquêtes ils rencontraient le plus souvent. Les résultats sont répartis en 5 catégories.
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